Polo’s Positive Surgery Outcome


Much-loved 12-year-old Welsh Terrier Polo was referred to us to investigate a large, rapidly growing mass in the front part of his lower jaw.

Our Diagnostic Imaging team performed a CT scan of his head and thorax – the area between the neck and the abdomen – and a biopsy confirmed osteosarcoma, a form of bone cancer.

This is an aggressive type of local cancer that can also spread to other parts of the body, although there were no signs it had spread in Polo at the time of the scans.

Rachel Hattersley, our Head of Soft Tissue Surgery, said: “Polo underwent complex surgery to remove the front part of his jaw and we are very pleased to report he coped very well with the operation. In fact, it wasn’t long after the operation before his appetite was back and he was able to eat without assistance! The other good news is that analysis of the tissue after surgery confirmed complete removal of the cancer in the local area, although the type of cancer Polo has, benefits greatly from a team approach and Polo was also seen by our Oncology team for chemotherapy once he had recovered from his surgery. 

Onne Russak, one of our Specialists in Oncology said: “Polo underwent a course of chemotherapy with the aim of significantly reducing the risk of tumour recurrence and or progression. He tolerated the treatment really well, with no side effects. He is still regularly assessed by me and on his last re-exam, there was no evidence of tumour recurrence or progression which is extremely pleasing.”

Polo’s owner said: “Polo’s quality of life has improved immensely and his spark has returned. He is eating well, walking well, enjoying more cuddles and back to chasing squirrels in the garden. Polo is definitely back to his old self post-operation and treatment. The care at DWR, not least Onne in the Oncology team, was incredibly compassionate and caring. From the moment you walk in, dogs and their owners are cheerily greeted at reception and it’s the same throughout. They make a big fuss of all the dogs that come in and everyone’s dog is made to feel special and is a priority.”