Our laboratory is led by Elizabeth (Butty) Villiers alongside our Head of Anatomic Pathology Rachel Pittaway, supported by a team of clinical pathologists, anatomic pathologists, biomedical scientists, lab technicians and residents.
Elizabeth (aka Butty) Villiers BVSc FRCPath DipECVCP, CertSAM, Cert VR, MRCVS has many years of experience of clinical pathology as well as a background in internal medicine and oncology.
Our other clinical pathologists are Nic Ilchyshyn BSc BVSc DipECVP MRCVS, Kathleen Tennant BVetMed CertSAM CertVC PGCAP FRCPath MRCVS, Kate Irvine MA VetMB PhD DipACVP MRCVS and Christine Dubeau BSc BVM&S MVetMed DipACVP MRCVS. Melissa White BVetMed MRCVS is part way through a Residency in Clinical Pathology with the Dick White Diagnostics team.
Our anatomic pathology team is led by Rachel Pittaway BSc (Hons) BVSc MVetMed DipACVP MRCVS. Our other anatomic pathologists are Roberta Rasotto DVM PhD DipECVP MRCVS, Emilie Cloup DVM MRes DipECVP MRCVS and Joelle Pinard DVM MRCVS DipACVP.
We have a team of highly trained veterinary biomedical scientists and experienced laboratory technicians who perform lab testing. Our couriers collect samples from practices throughout the East Anglia region.

Meet the Team
Jessica Dockerill
Biomedical Scientist
Jade Radway
Biomedical Scientist
Thomas King
Biomedical Scientist
Joel Tait
Biomedical Scientist
Jenny Plant
Biomedical Scientist
Jenni Bartram
Biomedical Scientist
Carrie-Ann Gilbey
Biomedical Scientist
Emily Owen