
In November 2018, gorgeous Rottweiler Maximus suddenly couldn’t walk or stand up. He was referred to us and was diagnosed with Cervical Spondylomyelopathy (Wobbler Syndrome) through an MRI scan of his spine This is a disease in the neck of larger dogs that means there is poor transmission of nerve signals between the brain and the body. One of our Neurology Specialists at the time, performed surgery to correct this and he went home a few weeks later and recovered well.

In March this year, Max was back with us as it happened again so he underwent the same surgery for a second time with our Head of Neurology, Giunio Bruto Cherubini assisted by Vera Pisco one of our Residents in Neurology and Neurosurgery. Now being 4 years older his owners said his recovery was slower and they were worried he wouldn’t be able to walk again! He was so determined though!

Two months later disaster struck and one day his owners came home to find Max lying on the floor not being able to move! So, he came back to see us and another MRI scan revealed that he how had a disc pressing on his spinal cord likely due to his condition.

To start with he didn’t respond well to treatment, so his owners were preparing for the worst. After days of tears and sadness, they received a surprising telephone call that Max was suddenly standing up and had clearly decided now was not his time!

They took him home and he has been having daily medication and physiotherapy and weekly hydrotherapy, he is doing amazingly well and his owners couldn’t be happier.